No impact Billions in fines is having no impact in reducing the road toll. It's climbed to over 1300 lives lost in 2024, the highest in 12-years. It fell to its lowest during Covid with lockdowns and travel restrictions.
Seatbelts, Random Breath Testing, Speed Cameras These safety initiatives lowered the road toll between 1970 and 2000, not increased fines or more policing. States have been slow to introduce more effective sanctions since 2000.
High fines and enforcement, Will never worked to lower the road toll. Drivers have always found ways around high fines and suspensions. Now a national shortage of police, means that police are no longer able to maintain historic levels of enforcement.
Fixated on fines, State governments are fixated on the billions in fines they collect. Each year fines revenue increases, they're reluctant to change to a better system that improves driver behavior and safety.
Double the safety gap, While politicians fumble, more people die on our roads, 100 compared to just 52 in safer countries, this safety gap has been growing since Covid in 2021.
Unfair to drivers, Over 30-years ago states agreed to consistency we've still got differing road rules, appeal options, speeding fines and demerit systems in every state.
Appeal Until states introduce a fairer system, drivers are encouraged to appeal all unfair fines. Its easy, it could save hundreds of dollars, even your license, just follow the suggestions on the website or in the book, "Penalty Rip Off."
Remember, you'll loose nothing by appealing, you'll benefit by getting an extension in time to pay, plus there's a chance you'll get the fine dismissed if you've got a good driving record and a reasonable excuse.